坐月子的媽咪:【美國月嫂外派】全方位服務。專業的“精英團隊月子保母”。 【懷孕期】【產後期】【寶貝期】產前/產後 一對一調理服務,解決您坐月子的困擾!歡迎詢問,我樂意為妳解答! http://www.usmommybaby.com/
2012年3月16日 星期五
2012年3月15日 星期四
Thank you for all that you do!
Thank you for all that you do!
My wife and I wanna say thank you so much for the postpartum services & the babycare you provided for us on the past couple months. Your care, consideration, and dedication throughout these two months are greatly appreciated. Thank you so very much!!!
Lawrence Hung
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